Saturday, February 1, 2014

Today we took a trip to La Hacienda Carabali, a horse ranch on the outskirts of El Yunque Rainforest. There, we took horses through the hills of beautiful scenery, just to the outer border of the rainforest where we were greeted by the most beautiful rainbow. 

La Hacienda Carabali with the hills of the rainforest in the background covered by the rainy clouds.
I made the "mistake" of telling the guide that I had experience with horse riding. He gave me one the the biggest horses and what I found out later to be, one of the fastest horses, too! Scary at first, but riding a horse is like riding a bike; It all comes back so quickly. Just this little time riding through the trees was enough to make me want to pick up horse back riding again when I get back to Connecticut. So, so fun! 

It was too beautiful for words, so I'll just let the pictures do the talking...

We stopped at a river, jumped off our horses and enjoyed what nature had to offer. Our tour guide made tribal face paint with the rocks in the river in which he said is a tradition of the Taino people. Unfortunately, the Tainos are almost all gone off the island because of the Spanish settlements. There is said to be less than 1% of Puerto Ricans with Taino blood. 

My teacher and classmates

After, the ride, we went back and had a nice lunch at a restaurant near the 'hacienda'. Most of us ate the traditional meal of mufungo, a mashed and friend plantain in the shape of a bowl. You can choose chicken, pork, shrimp, lobster, etc to go on top with a choice of garlic or creole sauce. YUM!  

Mufungo with creole chicken

On the way home, the driver of our van mentioned that one of the best beaches was just down the road from where we were, so of course, we made a pit stop. This beach has a line of restaurants which have been the sites of some of Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern shows. 

Again, I just have to express how grateful I am to have this experience. I am having the time of my life and wouldn't trade it for anything. As to where my next adventure is...I think I see something over THERE!! :)

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